Bridging Divides: El Dorado and its partner Braver Angels, are offering a "bridging" event for South Lake Tahoe region's residents. The event, sponsored by the Tahoe Chamber & South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce, will take place on April 15 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the South Tahoe Association of Realtors at 2307 James Ave.
The "Depolarizing Within" workshop is designed "to foster skills to help people lessen the effects of polarization when they encounter them in your political conversations." Anyone interested in examining their inner polarizer and learning strategies to disagree without condemning or ridiculing others is encouraged to attend. "Depolarizing Within" is ideal for organizations such as communities of civic associations, worship, social clubs, or educational institutions who want to reduce or avoid the divisiveness of political polarization."
The goal of the workshop is to teach participants:
How to be more aware of their own "inner polarizer".
How to be critical without demonizing, dismissing, or stereotyping large swaths of the population
Strategies for intervening constructively in social conversations with like-minded peers when these conversations veer into contempt and ridicule for people with other political views.
Trained Braver Angels Moderators, a Conservative and a Liberal, will conduct the workshop.
We have set a max of 50 people due to the venue size, so we ask you to register as soon as possible to guarantee your spot.
Refreshments will be served during the event. A box lunch will be available at the event's conclusion.
For additional information, please contact Ken Futernick.