Countywide Events

Cameron Park Library Family Bridge Building Event
Families will be discussing a children's book about bridge building and then constructing their own bridges with household items. The question we will pose at the end is, "What divide do you want to bridge?"

The Future of El Dorado Hills: A Community Conversation
Join us Tuesday, September 24, 2024, from 5:30-8 pm at the Mohanna Family Ranch, 2101 Old Bass Lake Rd. in El Dorado Hills.
Rich Harwood, founder of The Harwood Institute, will kick off the evening with a keynote address about communities across the country that are bridging divides and tackling shared challenges together. Roundtable dialogues will follow to provide an opportunity for residents to discuss their visions for the future of El Dorado Hills - what should be preserved, and how it might change. Refreshments will be served. The event is free, but space is limited. Register at www.bit.ly/EDHvision

Bridging Divides Listening Workshop
Join Bridging Divides - El Dorado for a one-of-a-kind listening workshop on Sunday, August 25, 2024 from 11:30 am-12:30 pm at The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, 2979 Coloma St. Placerville, CA. Strategies will focus on listening to understand and being curious rather than judgmental with people whose perspectives differ from our own. Refreshments will be provided. This event is free, please RSVP at bit.ly/EDCListens

Depolarization Within Workshop
Facilitators from Braver Angels will conduct this workshop for residents of El Dorado County at the Cameron Park Community Center on Saturday, May 20, 2023.
Learn More about this workshop.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Ken Futernick.

Introduction to Bridging Strategies with Braver Angels
The first portion of this online workshop included a brief description of Bridging Divides-El Dorado (for those who are unacquainted with this project) and an update on current and future activities. Facilitators from Braver Angels spoke about their organization before shifting the the main focus of the workshop - an interactive discussion of skills to help depolarize and bridge divides in our workplaces, our homes, and in our personal relationships. A video recording can be found here.

Bridging Divides - El Dorado Sector Leads Meeting
Leaders from El Dorado County key sectors met again to discuss implementation plans.

Second meeting with School Superintendents
Ken Futernick will meet again with the county’s school superintendents to further explore strategies to bridge divides in the education sector.

Sector Leads Meeting
The first meeting for sector leads took place at the El Dorado County Office of Education (EDCOE) on November 14, 2022 (5:00 - 6:30 pm). The next meeting for this group is scheduled for February 6, 2023 and will be held at EDCOE from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. For more information about this event, please contact Ken Futernick.

Presentation to County’s School Superintendents
Ken Futernick made a presentation to the county's school superintendents at their fall retreat. He provided an update on Bridging Divides, discussed the costs depolarization in school settings, and offered a few strategies that could be implemented to bridge common divides. Ken will meet again with this group in early January.

Bridging Divides - El Dorado Kickoff Convening
The Kickoff Convening for Bridging Divides - El Dorado took place on September 29, 2022 at the Cameron park Community Center.
Key sectors of the community that were represented (plus the number attending):
Non-profit (12), Healthcare (6), Education (19), Government (9), Business (7), Faith-based (9), Public Safety (3), Youth (10), Staff/Facilitators (27)
Participants will come away with a clearer sense of the personal and organizational impacts of polarization.
Participants will learn about and briefly experience the benefits of a few de-polarization strategies (e.g., conversation agreements, finding common ground, using conversation agreements, deep listening, choosing empathy and curiosity over confrontation).
Groups will leave with action plans that name people who will (initially) lead the change, identify the challenges faced, the goals they hope to achieve, the resources they might tap, and additional people that will be involved after the convening.