Promoting civil dialogue for a stronger community.

How it started

Bridging Divides - El Dorado came about because many leaders and residents in El Dorado County are concerned about the growing social and political divides and the impact they have on our relationships, our work, and our overall quality of life. Many of them have been inspired by the work being done in other communities and organizations, demonstrating that divides can be bridged and that trusting relationships and respectful communication can be restored, even among people with different perspectives and political affiliations.

Our Mission

The Mission of Bridging Divides – El Dorado is to provide resources and tools to build trust and respect, to depolarize challenging situations, to promote civil and cordial conversations, and to encourage collaboration for the well-being of all El Dorado County residents. We are available to assist any organization impartially and without bias.

Why Take the Pledge?

  • Treating people with contempt causes division; treating people with dignity eases division.

  • When we put a spotlight on dignity and contempt, we use more dignity and less contempt.

  • When we use more dignity and less contempt, we begin to expect the same from the people who entertain us, inform us, and represent us. (UNITE)

What we are doing

  • Cameron Park Convening

    100+ residents came together to find common ground, hear success stories from other communities and organizations, identify how divides affect us personally and professionally, and learn about resources available for ongoing support.

  • Depolarizing Within Workshop

    Participants learned how to be more aware of their own “inner polarizer”, how to be critical without demonizing, dismissing or stereotyping large swaths of the population, and strategies for intervening constructively in social conversations with like-minded peers when these conversations veer into contempt and ridicule for people who hold other political views.

  • Madrona Voices in the Vineyard Event

    Bridging Divides hosted a "Voices in the Vineyard" listening event at Madrona Vineyards. Old Town Grill graciously donated a variety of salads in Placerville and participants were further treated to delicious wines from Madrona Vineyards and charcuterie boards from Diedrick's Cheese. Attendees in small groups had a chance to share their thoughts about El Dorado County.

  • Pine-O-Mine Cider Social

    Bridging Divides hosted a “Cider Social” listening event at Pine-O-Mine Ranch. Attendees in small groups had a chance to share their thoughts about what they love about living in El Dorado County and what would make the county stronger.

Thank you to our sponsor!

It was such an educational experience and I have shared it with many people already! I hope the movement grows.
— Pine O Mine Cider Social, October 27, 2023
Seeing a gathering of so many people interested in the topic inspired hope in the possibility of our county residents being interested in working together.
— Kick-off Convening Part 1, September 29, 2022
I would love to engage with more “Living Room” conversations with residents of the county who have differing views AND authentic desires to problem solve community issues.
— Kick-off Convening Part 1, September 29, 2022

What people are saying

I’m more polarized than I thought I was
— Depolarizing Within Workshop, May 20, 2023
A reminder to be humble to really listen and think more about making it right rather than being right.
— Kick-off Convening Part 1, September 29, 2022
I realize that I am existing in a bubble and that conflict is having a huge negative impact on others in our community.
— Kick-off Convening Part 1, September 29, 2022
The willingness of opposing parties to convene in the same room shows an acknowledgment of the problem.”
— Kick-off Convening Part 1, September 29, 2022
Very practical advice. I will definitely use what I learned.
— Depolarizing Within Workshop, May 20, 2023
We need more of these types of gatherings. A conversation truly needs to be happening to bring people together.
— Pine O Mine Cider Social, October 27, 2023
The very fact that people understand that there is a real issue in division is valuable. Thank you for taking real steps to do something about it.
— HUB Meeting, October 17, 2023
I appreciate the passion and commitment leadership brings to this issue of depolarization. Thank you for the content, skills, and opportunity to bring these learnings out into the world.
— Depolarizing Within Workshop, May 20, 2023
Really outstanding. Exceeded my expectations!
— Depolarizing Within Workshop, May 20, 2023


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